Antique Sampler Dolores Serra

I started stitching a reproduction of an antique Alphabet sampler finished by Dolores Serra back in June trying to finish at least one letter a day each evening. In spite of a fact that I spent 10 days out of the June month in Castine miniaturing, I managed to finish 1 set of the Alphabet in Blue last month.

This sampler attracts my attention with its simplicity and purity. It is very enjoyable letter by letter, evening by evening to fill out the white space on 32 count Belfast linen with Au Ver a Soie silk.

Coming into July I am still trying to work on one letter each evening of the next set of the Alphabet but now in Red. The letters of this alphabet set are much bigger and take more time to finish, but very rewarding.

Happy stitching!

Natalia Frank

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